Saturday, February 13, 2016

Why I'm signing up for Personal Learning MOOC

I registered this morning for Stephen Downes' Personal Learning MOOC. As I completed the registration form I was prompted to explain why I was interested in LPSS, a platform we'll use in this course. Here's the answer I put in the text box:

My interest in this platform ties to my interest in participating in Stephen Downes' Personal Learning MOOC. I've participated in cMOOCs like Change11 and ETMOOC and I helped create and facilitate the National Writing Project's CLMOOC. The concept of personal learning is fascinating to me. I currently work as an ed tech coordinator for a large urban school district. For us, the words personalized learning are becoming buzz words with fuzzy meanings skewed by ed tech vendors. My basic familiarity with Downes' work and the workings of cMOOCs tells me that this course will push my thinking and help me connect with the current thinking about personal learning. 

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